Ian Kiaer

Ian Kiaer (b.1971) is a British sculptor and painter whose central interest is repurposing. Often springing from specific questions relating to art, architecture, philosophy, and social theory, his installations consistently create fragmented narratives, exploring notions of totality and permanence.

He is a Tutorial Fellow in Fine Art at Brasenose College, Oxford and Associate Professor of Fine Art at the Ruskin, University of Oxford. He has exhibited several solo exhibitions internationally, including at the Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom, the Watarium Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan, and the Venice Biennale. He is represented by Alison Jacques Gallery.

In 2019, Kiaer, alongside Alison Jacques Gallery, donated 'Quick City, (Red Cloth)' (2018) to Art of Wishes for auction.

  • Area: Artist

  • Area: Artist