Research reveals the  positive impact of the realisation of wish.

A wish not only brings excitement, wonder and joy, it also can improve medical outcomes

What people have to say
  • 100%

    said the wish experience improves a child’s emotional well-being


    said they observed the wish experience helped relieve a family from any amount of traumatic stress related to their child’s critical illness


    said the wish experience has a positive impact on a child’s physical well-being


    said the wish experience helps a child feel more hopeful for the future.


    said they have observed children increasing their compliance with treatment after learning they would recieve a wish.


    said a wish improves a child’s medical outcome.

  • 92%

    of wish parents said their child’s wish made their child feel more joyful


    of wish parents said their wish improved their family’s well-being


    of parents said their wish brought their family closer together


    saw their child’s emotional well-being improve through the wish experience


    believe the wish experience gave their child a better chance of surviving their critical illness.


    of wish parents said the wish experience helped improve their child’s physical well-being.

  • 99%

    said their wish made them feel more joyful.


    said their wish improved their well-being.


    said the wish helped them overcome feelings of sadness.


    felt more hopeful for their future after their wish.


    said their wish brought their family closer together


    said their wish improved their overall quality of life

Make-A-Wish UK have commissioned three research studies to assess and understand the impact of wishes on children with life threatening conditions and their families.
Allan, former Wish Child
Make-A-Wish UK have commissioned three research studies to assess and understand the impact of wishes on children with life threatening conditions and their families.

The independently conducted research carried out by Aston University is the first research project examining the impact of receiving a wish from Make-A-Wish UK on child and family health and wellbeing.

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Information sources:

(1) Aston University – an independently commissioned study – Understanding the Impact of Make-A-Wish UK Wishes on Children with Life Threatening Conditions and their Families (Qualitative January 2019 – Quantitative October 2019). (2) New Economics Foundation Theory of Change on Disney Land Paris Wishes (September 2019). (3) Make-A-Wish UK pre and post wish survey impact analysis (September 2019).

To receive these studies, please email: [email protected]